
Now I thought because Ashlin shared with all of you the lovely snow they are having back home in Michigan I would show you how it is right now here on Long Island. Now we did have our share of snow, just no where near 27 inches. We have maybe 8, with some pretty bad drifts. But I didn’t get out to see those, I kept myself inside and stayed warm. But this morning while I was laying in bed checking Facebook and Twitter and seeing people say how cold they were and being snowed into their houses I could hear rain outside. 



This was outside of the Kitchen today, yep thats right the snow was melting. Now after showing friends and getting some not so nice replies I decided to head out for the day, I was lucky enough to have the day off so I headed out, no heavy coat needed for 50 degree weather this morning. 



Headed out the door, minus my shoes apparently…


Now while I was driving it continued to rain, and kept doing so while I pretty much got lost in the mall, and spent more money than I needed to, but man did I find some great sales!



While leaving the mall there was a mix of rain and freezing rain but nothing too crazy. As I stayed in tonight it did start to actually get cold and as I was sitting with my computer and all wrapped up in a blanket I saw Ashlin’s earlier post and decide to actually check the weather and see the difference, upon seeing it I do feel bad for all my family and friends, not only is it cold but lists of people are stuck inside their houses. Hopefully it all gets better soon! Oh and here is the temperature difference. 




Snowy WonderBLAH!


Hey you!

So I forgot to tell you one little fun fact about me:  I hate snow/cold/winter.  Yeah.

You know the greatest part about that?! I live in Michigan, and we just got slammed with like 27 inches of snow! Or at least that is what we were suppose to get, I haven’t actually measured it. It all started Saturday about 5 pm, it was just lightly snowing you know no big deal right? Wrong, Sunday when I woke up someone was pounding on my door telling me we had to go move the cars so my grandpa could plow our driveway.  In order to move the cars we first had to clean them off.  An hour and a half later the driveway was semi-clean and sidewalks were shoveled.  Did I mention it was freezing! Image

So ya know I shoveled like three times Sunday, great wonderful. Also on Sunday, I saw a plow truck get stuck in my street and then didn’t end up plowing it.  WHAT?! That is when you know things are bad, a plow truck got stuck.  At this point I just want to cry, haha.  So what I do? I go to Biggby, my crazy snow/cold hating self walks two blocks for a BOGO I mean who can pass that up right? Not this girl (I used to work at this Biggby and the Baristas and I are still good friends).  Anyway I brave the outside and walk my grumpy butt to Biggby and back home, and it was worth it.

I wake up on Monday to no one pounding on my door.  So this is an improvement right…? Wrong again, it has in fact stopped snowing by now the snow is up to my thigh.  Joy oh joy! Also it was -12 and feels like -38. Nope nope nope nope! This is the nope weather.Kind of like the Nope fish, have you seen that?


So I am currently living in Nopeigan, where it feels like -38 outside and we have outrageous amounts of snow! So now that I have told about my adventures let me share with you some pictures you may or may not enjoy.


Enjoy, and stay warm!
