Valentine’s Day 101 :D


Hey hey hey! Guess what day it is?! HUMP DAY!!! So I have to apologize for not blogging yesterday things got kind of crazy! But to make up for it I hope this post will be super awesome!! So guys I want to give you some advice from myself and some of my friends about Valentine’s Day.  And ladies, I have some advice for you too!! 

Ladies first! (Gosh when I type that all I could hear was Effie’s voice from The Hunger Games!) Anyway, when it comes to Valentine’s Day you shouldn’t just let your Valentine spoil you, you should also spoil yourself.  Like do your nails or stop and get a cup of coffee on your way to work or school.  Most of us girls love Valentine’s Day it is a day that we live for! Next, DON’T FORGET ABOUT YOUR VALENTINE.  We all know we love Valentine’s Day but you should also love doing stuff for your Valentine, make him a cute card, or buy him something nice.  If you don’t have a Valentine, get yourself one!  I once made a promise with one of my guys friends that if we were still both single on Valentine’s Day we would be each others Valentines.  It works and you will feel a lot better about the day!!  Alright ladies what kind of blogger would I be if I didn’t act on what I blogged so look what I did tonight! Image

Gentlemen you’re up! So first I would like to share the data I have collected with you!  All names have been changed for privacy purposes 😉 I asked some of my friends this: “If you had to pick a guy and educate him on what girls like for Valentines Day what would you tell him?”

“Chocolate and pretty shit.  Like either real shiny or some flowers.  Or food if you’re like me.  Bitches love food.  Lol no the biggest thing is to make sure it fits her personality.  Listen to her around that time because she’ll probably give away what she wants anyways, most likely intentionally.  Get on Pintrest, type in “Valentine’s Day” and if you see something appealing go for it lol.  Girls love it when guys try to do crafty cute things, successful or not.  All in all look for the girls personality.  If she’s artsy fartsy get out of your comfort zone, if she’s a hopeless romantic write a bad poem that’s super cheesy or sing her a song.  You don’t have to spend a lot of money, simple does it, but it depends on the girl once again lol bam bitches.” -Gladys 

“Idk… Haha. I like food and food” -Ethel 

“Even though everything is super cheesy girls still like it.  (This next part goes for all the time but it will help you on Valentines Day too) When a girl says she doesn’t want something she does want something, so the guy needs to figure it out” -Girl Code :’) AKA Blaine I won’t hide her name since you guys already know it lol

“He doesn’t need to spend a lot of money on her.  Just do something special and sentimental that will mean a lot to the two of you.  Something that is special just for the two of you.” -Agatha

“Don’t be a dick.  Do something special for her that you know she will enjoy, like organizing a movie  night with her favorite movies.  Also chocolate.  Also emphasize that treating a girl well on Valentine’s day does not give you an excuse to treat her like shit on normal days of the year.  Valentine’s Day should be special, but it shouldn’t be an exception.” -Lucinda 

“Text her back. Also, even if she says she doesn’t want anything, she does.  A box of chocolates isn’t cutting it, bro.” -Ursula 

So I think my friends covered that very well, but if I could just tell you to take one thing it would be this: Just make her feel special and I promise you will have her heart.  

So, I did my duty again as the awesome blogger I am and went on Pintrest and got some ideas! Granted I went on there to find ideas for myself but these are the ones I liked the most.  ImageImageImageImageImageImage


Have a very happy Valentine’s Day, and I hope this helped!! See you all next TUESDAY.  I am hoping to be back on schedule by then haha!

 May the odds be ever in your favor. 


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